Tag: writing

  • New Meaning

    New Meaning

    Do you really listen to the words that you hear? Are you paying attention, is the meaning clear? Does the mind rush ahead, a reply at the ready? Let each sentence be absorbed, metabolized slowly. Do I really listen to thoughts as they’re spoken? A struggle to make meaning when the filter is broken. So…

  • Presence


    Surrender to remember. Learn to return. Train to remain.

  • Overwhelm


    Overwhelmed by thoughts. Unfocused. Distraught. Can’t do what ought to be easy. Drowning in emotion. Paralyzed. Frozen. Invisibly broken, soul destroying. Overwhelmed by feelings, Once repressed, now revealing. Can’t mask or make meaning to soothe. Crushed by life. Head locked in a vice. Is this the price of truth?

  • Curiosity


    Delve deep in my memory, beyond the limits of recall. What have I forgotten, paid no heed to at all? As energies surface, float into awareness. A dreamscape, as elusive as a whispering caress. Dancing towards me, softly, sweet and tender. Tug at my heartstrings, a familiar surrender. Breathe in the magic of memory unfolding,…

  • Affirmation


    What if My happiness Is a direct reflection Of my faith In the universe? What if I am doing my best? And you are doing yours? What if I am enough?What then?

  • Privilege


    The freedom of not knowing; Not having to know, Not wanting to know, Not needing to know. The luxury of “yes!” without hesitation, of “No” without repetition, choice without repercussion. To welcome the future with excitement and anticipation; honour the past with ceremony and celebration. Truly a gift to those that know. Use it wisely.

  • Game face

    Game face

    Get your game face on, don’t leave without it. Like a second skin, smile fixed in place. Rest your game face, When no one is looking. Fakeness is exhausting, the cost of a lie. Put your game face on, can’t cope without it. Mask painful thoughts, too hard to share. Keep your game face on,…

  • Keeper of the Key

    Keeper of the Key

    Brave little girl, sits still on the couch. Hears arguments and cries, Dad’s angry voice, Mum’s distant distress, amplified by the baby. Dad locks the bedroom door, hands her the key. Brave little girl, sits with the key. Hears mums cries mixed with baby’s. Frozen in place, holding the key. Too scared to move, until…

  • Ghosting


    I saw your message I knew you’d reached out. I wanted to answer but was paralyzed by doubt. What do I say? no words within reach. I feel hypocritical – not practicing what I preach. In my head I’ve answered a hundred times. Lines never sent, it never felt right. Confusing thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, Churning…

  • Writing from the Heart

    Writing from the Heart

    Everything I write is, first and foremost, for me.It is both a privilege and a luxury. I write to heal, to understand;to shift emotions out of my system. I write to move energy; to have a thought move from my brain, down through my arm and into my hand and my fingers, and flow through…

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