Tag: writing

  • Acceptance


    Sign on the line – life will be perfect. Drink this wine – it’ll numb your pain. Stay busy. Distracted. Avoidant. Inert. Change is coming – this is going to hurt.  No one talks of the pain of coming alive, Telling old stories, long forced to hide. Like emotional surgery with no anesthetic; Cut to…

  • Ode to Trauma

    Ode to Trauma

    My childhood was a minefield, mind where you tread. Buried bombs keep alive, old stories I forget. Waiting for the next footfall, triggering regret. What’s music to you, fills me with dread. Fighting inner battles, casualty count unknown. Narcissistic neglect, no one there to atone For Abandonment. Abuse. The words hit home, Piercing shame in…

  • Reconciliation


    I’m done with holding this anger and pain; It’s sucking me dry, exhausting to maintain inner levels of fury, outer facade of calm; reaching critical mass, causing me harm. And yet … I keep holding it up for all to see. Claiming moral high ground, seeking sympathy. Loosing sight of meaning, muddled up in my…

  • Shadows


    Afraid of the darkness? What’s lurking behind, beyond and beneath; out of sight, out of mind? Would you welcome the light? ever so gently, at first. No sudden explosions or frightening outbursts. Imprisoned in the shadows, loud clock marking time. Terrified to step forward, to let your light shine. Could you release the lock, crack…

  • Surrender


    Am I strong enough to surrender, Knowing what I resist will persist? Embrace the overwhelming fear that I might cease to exist. What if I’m strong enough to surrender, Wholeheartedly embrace the grief? Let it move through me, knowing on the other side lies peace. My inner child surrendered, Let me hold her in my…

  • War


    Silent sadness in holding others pain. No narrative to cry, no common refrain. Accessing deep suffering, reach beyond to contain, the hurts of a world, at war once again. Will we ever learn to transform our suffering? Backfill the hurting with open-hearted offerings of love and compassion, a self-less mothering, to fully embrace our oneness…

  • Neglect


    No hallmark of neglect, just an absence that smothers us. Invisible scars that taint every part of us. Musty scent of shame, a second skin to us. Parents incapable of unconditional love for us. A home lacking love, no boundaries to hold us. Parentified children, believed what was told to us. All our own fault,…

  • Tears


    Pained to speak through gritted teeth, when words retreat for safety. Forced to hide, against a tide of thinly veiled insanity. Hold back tears, Frozen by fear, relief appears inaccessible. Body tenses, overwhelmed senses triggered defences, inevitable. Halt time and space. Immobilized face, A tear escapes detection. Fear overflowing, no one knowing, terror of showing…

  • Outer-Inner


    Scared little girl, fear beyond words, seeks refuge in a place only thoughts are heard. Untouchable, deep inner realm. Unspeakable. Untold outer harm. Silent little girl, not present as witness to shame-filled violation, adult madness. Pure inner knowing, fuels outer calmness. Indestructible. So much bigger than this.

  • Feeling my feelings

    Feeling my feelings

    Catch myself hiding, am I really okay? Notice emotions, too scared to say. Fear of my feelings holds them at bay; denigrate and deny, wish they’d all go away. When talking with people, put the focus on them. Avoid facing emotions, ignoring overwhelm. Unfamiliar feelings, inability to name. Keep forcing down, compartmentalize shame. Avoidance and…

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