Tag: writing

  • I just want to write

    I just want to write

    I just want to write … but I don’t want to be a writer.If I gave myself that label I would feel restricted by expectations; what other people consider being a writer implies. I don’t want to have to care about anyone else’s opinions. This is just about me, like a therapeutic letter that will…

  • So What’s Next?

    So What’s Next?

    ✨ You HEAL …It takes time. It’s painful and messy. Keep doing the work.I Trust myselfI Value myself ✨ You GROW …With awareness the whole universe becomes your healer and teacher. Just pay attention. Be Still. Listen.I Honour myself.I Believe in myself ✨ You HELP others …Create a safe space for others to HEAL and…

  • How are you?

    How are you?

    The simple, autopilot answer would be, “I’m fine thanks, how are you?” “Fan-flipping-tastic!”, would be my go-to sarcastic, defensive response. The more honest answer would be, “I’m surviving.” No doubt said with a rueful smile to show that really I’m ok, but have no desire to pursue that avenue of conversation any further. A simple,…

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