Tag: writing

  • What happened?

    What happened?

    Do you want to hear What happened to me? Are you prepared for brutal honesty? Skeletons in the closet, risking transparency. Revealing myself now terrifies me. Have I forgiven them? so important to you; And fears for my mother, Did he hit her too? Your conflicted emotions? not my responsibility. Holding myself takes all my…

  • Holding


    Holding tightly, tensed emotions; Feeling unsafe, fearing exposure. Hold it all in, invisible chains; muscle memories, bound in shame. Holding others at arms distance; Don’t come close. Fight inner resistance. Hold it together, can’t fall apart. No reprieve, constricts the heart. Hold your tongue. Silence your voice. Stagnant secrets, costly choice. Holding back, quietly reserved.…

  • Moving Towards Wholeness

    Moving Towards Wholeness

    Legacy of trauma, the body keeps the score; Waking and sleeping, fearing next footfall. So I move my body, tender feelings break open, strength to surrender, release raw emotion. Legacy of trauma, banged into my head; Destroys peace of mind, an ever present dread. Buried in books, immersed in learning; Through understanding comes love, education…

  • One Hour

    One Hour

    There’ll be light rain for the next hour. Not a heavy down pour, just a light shower. Enough to freshen for sorrows to clear To wash away burdens warm sun to appear. Breathe! Create space for dreams of the future A pause with potential allows magic to occur. Use the time wisely opportunity to empower…

  • Slow


    Slowing down to start the day; Relinquishing fake urgency. Opening to possibility, in tender self discovery. Moving slowly, with intention, Recognizing invitations As openings to transformation. Step forward with anticipation. Slow awareness, soft emergence, Compassionate cries of resonance. Sweetest agony of transcendence in the million mundane moments.

  • In Celebration of Dissociation

    In Celebration of Dissociation

    Claiming the power of dissociation; of not being present to soulless violation. Drawing fresh strength from recognition that innocence remains, intact and unbroken. Shamed for an absence perceived as abandonment; Forgiving myself, despite others judgement. Accepting raw scars still inviolably innocent. Taking only what’s mine, the remainder their punishment.

  • #MeToo


    The unspoken power of resonant truth. A shy smile. A nod. I’ve been there too. I know what you mean. Simple validation. You’re not alone. Gifting Recognition. Receive the gift, of shared solidarity, Carry it forward with equanimity. Feeling compassion, I see you too. You’re not alone. I believe you.

  • Access Denied.

    Access Denied.

    Dear parents, I’m too angry to talk; Yet you consume my thoughts. Painful paradox of betrayal. What would you say if you could see me now? You may say you approve. But why should I allow your opinions to matter? It’s for me to decide. It’s too late for you to turn the tide, to…

  • One Step

    One Step

    Keep going, move forward one step at a time, Knowing you’ve got this, not falling behind. See twists and turns in the grand design. Trusting the process, take one step at a time. On the road less travelled, steeper steps, hard to climb. Every inch counts as progress, human race, no finish line. Breathtaking views…

  • Stay in the Heart

    Stay in the Heart

    Acknowledging feelings on this journey of healing, beginning to feel the heart opening. Know the pain of existence in the anguish of resistance. Let the heart break open, yes, the heart breaks open, and the heart breaks open again. Learning to meet emotion with tender compassion As the heart breaks open again. Knowing safety from…

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