Tag: silence

  • What happened?

    What happened?

    Do you want to hear What happened to me? Are you prepared for brutal honesty? Skeletons in the closet, risking transparency. Revealing myself now terrifies me. Have I forgiven them? so important to you; And fears for my mother, Did he hit her too? Your conflicted emotions? not my responsibility. Holding myself takes all my…

  • Feeling my feelings

    Feeling my feelings

    Catch myself hiding, am I really okay? Notice emotions, too scared to say. Fear of my feelings holds them at bay; denigrate and deny, wish they’d all go away. When talking with people, put the focus on them. Avoid facing emotions, ignoring overwhelm. Unfamiliar feelings, inability to name. Keep forcing down, compartmentalize shame. Avoidance and…

  • Ghosting


    I saw your message I knew you’d reached out. I wanted to answer but was paralyzed by doubt. What do I say? no words within reach. I feel hypocritical – not practicing what I preach. In my head I’ve answered a hundred times. Lines never sent, it never felt right. Confusing thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, Churning…

  • Writing from the Heart

    Writing from the Heart

    Everything I write is, first and foremost, for me.It is both a privilege and a luxury. I write to heal, to understand;to shift emotions out of my system. I write to move energy; to have a thought move from my brain, down through my arm and into my hand and my fingers, and flow through…

  • Change


    Hard to admit when I show up unhelpfully, Kicking myself at missed opportunity. Speaking impulsively, creates separation. Try keeping quiet, not offering suggestion. A door was opened, a well-meaning invitation, But my ego reared up with a barrage of accusation. Wish I’d paused for thought, some time for reflection. Chewed back my words given chance…

  • Understanding


    Dull ache at the temples. Painful, clenched jaw. Blank eyes, tight shoulders, Heavy hearted, withdrawn. Who is that person, The reflection I see? Unsmiling, remote. Is this really me? Stays out of the limelight, Afraid to be seen. Avoiding attention, Safer unaccompanied. To speak my story. Every word rings true.Reflected back in their eyes,“I’m sorry…

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    The balls in my court But what to do with it? This silence weighs heavy But I what can I say? Take back your power! Speak up for yourself! Claim your voice, be heard! Fear drives action away. Avoiding, ignoring. May time bring healing? Too afraid of saying the wrong, naïve thing. Anxiety worsening. Sadness…

  • Awaken


    Be Present. In the spaciousness. In betweenSomewhere and nowhere. Being …no one, no body. In between losing my mind and finding my soul. 🌻

  • More or less

    More or less

    Spinning in circles, Aimless, exhausting. Useless and purposeless, Unfocused, despairing. No escape from the past. Stark house of mirrors. Reflections distorted, Amplify horrors. Sadness weighs heavy. A shroud of silence. Impenetrable walls, Invisible defence. More than past moments. Keep seeking true essence. With presence comes wisdom. A glimmer of hope. 🌻

  • Speechless Sadness

    Speechless Sadness

    I ceased to exist. Profound Stillness. Utterly Silenced. Impenetrable Numbness. Braced against the world. Far, far removed. Serious little girl. Brown hair shorn, boyish. Brains, not looks. Watchful, a pleaser. Still, beauty shines Through solemn blue eyes. Tears flow silently. The only expression Of insurmountable grief. Prolonged aloneness Seeking accompaniment, Searching for safety. Speak, child.…

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