Access Denied.

Dear parents, 
I’m too angry to talk;
Yet you consume my thoughts.
Painful paradox of betrayal.
What would you say 
if you could see me now?
You may say you approve.
But why should I allow
your opinions to matter?
It’s for me to decide.
It’s too late for you
to turn the tide,
to make excuses
for your behaviour.
Actions have consequences.
You should have been kinder
when you had the chance,
when it mattered the most.
Every child deserves
to know they are loved.
What would it be like 
to speak to you now?
Decades have passed
yet I’m scared to allow
you to get any closer -
to crack open a door;
the young child in me
feels too vulnerable.
She learnt mistrust,
when you were alive;
Trust has to be earned,
too late once you died.
I wish it were different,
no regrets, I tried.
Still, nothing to say
accept access denied.


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