
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” ― Karen Lamb
I saw your message 
I knew you’d reached out.
I wanted to answer
but was paralyzed by doubt.
What do I say?
no words within reach.
I feel hypocritical -
not practicing what I preach.
In my head I’ve answered 
a hundred times.
Lines never sent,
it never felt right.
Confusing thoughts,
uncomfortable feelings,
Churning them over
loosing all meaning.
I saved your message, 
I could still reply.
Numerous distractions,
Opportunities to deny.
I hope you know
you’re not to blame.
This is my issue,
compounded by shame.
The silence is deafening 
Getting louder each day.
Weeks have passed now
what can I say?
You never know,
I may answer soon.
Until then rest assured
I’m thinking of you.


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